Mama Next Door: Rebecca Stib

Happy new week, mamas! This week's #MamaNextDoor is Rebecca Stib. Rebecca is a new mom (hello, baby Ethan!) and founder of Nutritious Gifts where she curates thoughtful and healthy gift packages to send loved ones with particular health conditions such as heart disease or cancer. Rebecca and I met via Instagram and I've loved following her journey as a mother and a business owner.
She is a registered dietitian (R.D.) that practices a whole-food, non-processed food approach to eating. She believes in the power of healthy eating, and that a balanced diet is the key to a long life. However, she is also a foodie who is not shy about eating things we love, including the occasional donut! I can't wait for you to get to know her motherhood journey.
Tell me a bit about yourself before you became a mother, and how did you change after becoming a mother.
Before becoming a mother, I worked at a nursing home as their Registered Dietitian. I also started my own health-focused gift boxing company 2 years ago called Nutritious Gifts. After having Ethan, life became super busy. While I decided to leave my nursing home job and become a stay at home mom (all while building my gift boxing business), I’ve never been busier. I’ll look at the clock and it’s 9am but I’ve already done so much in the day. Coffee has never been more important in my life until now!
It took me a while to recognize and accept my new identity as a mom. Life as a stay at home mom and entrepreneur requires some serious time management, self-care, and lots of patience.
What does your absolute dream version of motherhood look like?
My dream version of motherhood is having that village we all talk about. For me, I didn’t get the full experience of support because of COVID. I’ve learned to manage motherhood, but it does make me sad what I may have missed.
On positive note, COVID has taken almost everything online and I’ve joined many virtual new mom groups via zoom. We chat all things motherhood and for that, I’m so grateful.
What societal or cultural messages about motherhood frustrate you and how would you like to see them changed?
That you can do it all - work, be the best mom, all while taking care of yourself and your family. For me, I struggled with it and still do. I’m currently still trying to find a healthy balance.
I would love to see men and women receive more (and equal) maternity and paternity leave, so we can start accepting the importance of both parents as caretakers, not just the mother.
What do you do well? What’s really works for you? Do you have a secret? Your mom super power?
I’ve learned how to be patient with Ethan. I remember pre-baby I heard a lot of new parents say when they had kids, they learned how to be more patient. I understand it now. Without patience, motherhood can be overwhelming.
How do you take care of yourself? How do you deal with mom guilt?
Exercise! I don’t exercise every day, but the days that I do, I notice I’m more patient, more focused, and a better mother and wife.
I’m lucky that I haven’t experienced mom guilt yet because I’m home taking care of Ethan all day. I’m sure my feelings will change once we start daycare.
What’s a topic related to motherhood, or life after becoming a mother, that you wish we talked about more?
How intense - both emotionally and physically draining motherhood can be. We are still in the newborn phase, so catching up on sleep, eating when I can, trying to balance self care, my business, and on top of everything else is A LOT. I wish we talked more about supporting stay at home and working mothers because at times, it can be exhausting!