Mama Next Door: Diem Angie

Mama Next Door: Diem Angie

Next up in our Mama Next Door Series, Diem Angie. Diem is a mom of a one year old Hailey and a successful make up and hair artist based in Chicago (Diem Angie Beauty). She loves work outs in her new home gym, plants and family time. Keep on reading to find out how she was able to juggle motherhood and business in the times of a pandemic. 
Tell me a bit about yourself before you became a mother, and how did you change after becoming a mother?

I'm a go-getter and always on the go. I own three businesses. One being a bridal hair and makeup company for the past twelve years. Then COVID-19 happened and I knew the best thing to do was to be a stay at home mom. Hailey was also only 2 months so I took it as a long maternity leave.

Ever since having Hailey— I learned how to handle each gig more efficiently. I learned how to manage my team better and knock on wood... became more relaxed.

With COVID, there are no absolute plans. Whatever will be... will be!

What does your absolute dream version of motherhood look like?

My absolute dream would be for everyone I know, especially my family and the little one, to be their absolute healthiest and safest. A place where there’s no fear and no judgment.
I find peace knowing that both myself and daughter are surrounded by the best and she has many heroes to look up to.

What societal or cultural messages about motherhood frustrate you and how would you like to see them changed?

That we DON'T have to be perfect all the time. That we DON'T have to be the one to take care of our baby.
Listen, it’s 2020. It takes a village to raise a kid and not to mention taking care of yourself. If you need help, ask for it. Don’t be afraid to be judged and remember that when you're tired... to rest!

Our body needs time to heal. Don’t be too hard on yourself and remember to love yourself and your new body. Work on you.. for you! Everything else will come to place.

What do you do well? What’s really works for you? Do you have a secret? Your mom superpower?

I’m a very talkative and happy person in general so it’s really easy to connect with my daughter. She definitely got her social skills from me.

I don’t think I have a superpower.... more of like... the mom instinct is real. I just trust whatever my gut tells me and hope and pray that she’s ok! Every day that we are both alive is a good day in my book! I just take one day at a time.

How do you take care of yourself? How do you deal with mom guilt?

During quarantine, my husband and I built a home gym in our garage. I’m so happy he was on board because I can release steam/stress whenever my daughter is asleep. I worked my tiny butt off at least 3 times a week after I got the OK to workout again. My garage is now my favorite place in our house.

I’m a full-time momma so having mom guilt is very rare. For me... I need my own space sometimes. I understand the need to get away and then circle back when you feel better.

Side note... I’m actually at a hair salon getting my hair colored now! If you look and feel good = happy baby, happy husband, and happy me!

What’s a topic related to motherhood, or life after becoming a
mother, that you wish we talked about more?
That as long as your baby is eating... regardless if it’s formula or breastmilk it still counts!! Don’t stress yourself out if you are over or under-producing. Your baby will be happy and smiling regardless of what method!


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